It's been a year of tests, triumphs, and lessons.
Experience is the worst teacher, I've said it so many times before, it gives the lesson after the test! And so, like two-headed Janus, I look back on the past, simultaneously looking towards the future, for a near-perfect present.
I'm going to call 2007 my "coming-to-terms-with-this-crazy-life" year. And so, I am making the following declarations- things I saw, felt and learnt in the last twelve months...
1. Family is the most important thing in life.
2. Children are the most wonderful, beautiful, awesome, and fantastic thing that will ever touch your life. This applies to Parents too. Thank God if you have your own.
3. Money can buy security, comfort, contentment and independence- thus, money can, in fact, buy Happiness.
4. Love is a Tango- It takes two!
5. Friends can be more fickle than lovers. Beware.
6. Don't expect anything, from anyone, ever.
7. Dreams are not reality. Don't live in them.
8. Reality is brutal. Learn to accept it, before it kills you.
9. Pain is important. It makes us feel human, real, and living.
10. Wounds only heal once you stop picking them.
11. Men will be men!
12. Believe that there is a Higher Power. And yes, all things happen for a very apt reason.
13. It is better to be trustworthy than to trust.
14. Better to be loved than to love.
15. Men are emotionally challenged.
16. Laughing out loud and smiling are soul excersises.
17. Looking good is an important factor if you're aiming to FEEL good!
18. Music is good therapy.
19. Dancing to music you enjoy is excellent therapy.
20. Vodka can sometimes be your best friend.
21. Passing out is never sexy...
22. 'Eye Candy' should ONLY be looked at from a safe distance. Because 'Eye Candy' is just a mirage, once it speaks it becomes the 'Dumb Blonde'.
23. Do NOT believe everything you hear!
24. Yoga DOES work... try it atleast once in your life.
25. Shoes are important. Love the ones you're in. Get the ones you love. You walk through life in them!
Hmmm... I guess that's bout it. Hope everyone reading this had a bearable 2007, and has a smashing 2008.