Why Jane Bravo?

My photo
One dark and boring night in 2005, sitting alone thinking about life and how weird it is, Sarah Dawood/ Drama wrote her first blogpost as Jane Bravo. What started out as a private ranting space, slowly and gradually evolved into the current blog, which talks about many events, things, and feelings. Just like all of Sarah's other social media platforms, also about many events, things, and feelings --- Instagram: thesarahdawood | snapchat: thesarahdawood | twitter: @SarahDawood | facebook: /groups/TheCoddiwomple

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Home Is Where You Have Pretty Things - #MyLifewares

It was a pleasure to be invited by TDF to the #MyLifewares launch at Dolmen Mall Clifton, Karachi, by Interwood. Mall events need great attention to detail, and this one was so tastefully put together, I literally wanted to revamp my entire home with everything I saw at the Interwood displays around the mall and in the store!  Not to mention the extremely cool "Be Our Next Model" competition; I ended up getting my picture taken and receiving a nice framed piece in 30 minutes!

Interwood Store at Dolmen Mall Clifton, Karachi

If you're looking for exquisite, quality pieces on a budget, Interwood is the place to check out for sure. You have to go see this store... it is designed beautifully and in a way that you can keep walking around and see different things on each round. As Brand Manager of Lifewares, Amna Umair, says: “The idea of ‘Lifewares by Interwood’ is to not only sell a product to our customers but a whole experience..." - I easily spent a good hour or two looking at the furniture, lighting and decor ideas. Not to mention, set beautifully: the store is a clever masterpiece, because no matter where you look, you'll connect to something that is your idea of comfort and "pretty things" - immediately making you imagine your ideal home space as you walk around.

All good lounges come to those who go to Interwood

Bottle-green Jade Lamp
I picked five favourite items, which you can see on my Instagram with the hashtag #SarahsDreamHome, these were (in random order):

1. The Jade bed set - a delightful combination of a bed, side table, magical bottle-green glass lamps, cushions and throws.

2. A three-seater recliner - such a comfy looking thing. Perfect to just drop down on after a long day at work and put your feet up. Good for snuggling and snacks while watching TV too.

3. A dresser - so classy, yet so simple. A piece every women must have for her morning rituals of getting ready to face the world.

4. A sofa - a deliciously rich chocolate brown leather sofa, can seat about four skinny people and three not-so-skinny ones. Easy to clean and just perfect for a casual or formal setting.

5. The L-shaped five-seater set - elegant and chic, this one piece is enough for a small lounge or meeting room.

Kitchen Ideas
A Purple Corner
Presently, Lifewares by Interwood is offering a 10% discount (a limited time offer) on all products available at their outlet in Dolmen Mall, Clifton.
I do recommend you check it out now! 

There are some great deals for wedding shoppers, and something for everyone, whether you are looking for gifts or revamping your rooms, there are keepsakes, paintings and flower arrangements too. Bedroom, a children's room, a study, a kitchen or a dining area, you name it... Interwood has it all, not to forget even prettier frills like shiny lamps and funky wall clocks, so much to cheer up any dull old walls and corners. 
Dining Tables and everything else that goes with it

Home is where you have pretty things - go get some!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

First Depressions

"You can't be a damsel in distress when it suits you!" he screams at her.

She sits there in her sweat pants and hoodie, hair in a tight ponytail which adds to the throbbing pain inside her skull. She isn't being a damsel. But she is deeply in distress. She needs help. Wants help. She is asking for help. He isn't a bad guy. But he can't see it, hear it, or understand it. She just needs someone to hold her hand while she saves herself. She had done it all before, dug herself out of a seemingly bottomless pit, but this time she is exhausted and needs help digging. Maybe she just wants him to pull her out. Maybe she is just tired of being strong. Maybe she is thinking about giving up.

John Newman - Love Me Again [Official Video] HD by funjakob

Depression is a terrible thing. People who suffer from depression can't sleep it off, or eat chocolate and be OK... basically, there is no way for them to avoid it.

Try to remember that when you are losing your patience with someone who is struggling with crippling depression. Don't be frustrated with them. Try to care for them, try to show them you care. They can't stop what they are feeling, and they can't explain it properly either.

When you tell someone suffering from depression to just "Get over it!" it's like telling someone with Cancer to "Get over it!" or telling a man with a broken leg to walk and run and dance, because the pain is just in their mind. But you would never do that, because you can see the Cancer test reports, you can see the broken leg. In the case of depression, you can't see what is affected, which parts are broken, or how deep the pain is. So when someone you know is struggling with depression - please be there for them and give them time to overcome the pain, heal, get strong again.

Most depressed people just need to vent what they are feeling. It is very hard for them to express what they are feeling or why they are feeling it. Try to talk to them. They are not playing games to get your attention. They are very scared. They may be on the precipice of suicide or self destruction. Not because they don't want to live anymore. But because they don't want to live with this "feeling" anymore. Listen carefully to anything they are trying to tell you, without judgement. They are very damaged inside. They are genuinely hurting like the guy with a broken leg before he gets the painkillers and the cast. Save them from the feeling of hopelessness.

If you see signs of suicidal tendencies, take them to get treatment.

Depression is a terrible place to be. People suffering from it eventually isolate themselves from others, because they are tired of hearing "Stop doing this to yourself!". They won't change, but they will stop "bothering" you if that is the only response you give them. Some people with depression are mentally very strong - this is the worst. They will seem calm and continue to do things which are routine, because routine things don't require much thought or planning. To you they will appear totally normal, living their life as if the crying fit from a month back was just hormones or something. These people are the ones you need to really worry about... this is even more dangerous than the regular depressed person... because on the surface you will see no signs of depression. But if you look closely, you will see they have isolated themselves from every possible situation outside of routine.

If you love someone struggling with depression please help them overcome it.

~ JB