B - My Buddha - my Mom - she is the real deal.
C - My Castles - my space, and my food for thought.
Choose - Your Soul is the spark... It lights the path of your Life - the path you walk on, the walk you go through; it leads you into the light, or into darkness. When something good or bad touches you, it is your soul that takes on the light of that very glow and leads you to the next place and time. Look into your heart and you know - see - the light you are following, the light that is guiding you - the light that you are becoming; You can be the sunshine - or you can be the darkness - choose - for yourself.
Control - Wear your shoes, but don't forget the ground beneath them, the surface that you exist upon. Shoes may be there to protect you from the thorns, the rocks in your path; but they will also never let you feel the springy grass beneath your soles on the sunny happier days - so let there be days when you let your soles go, and let your soul get drenched in the rain and the sunshine!
Believe - Some days are just plain painful - It's almost as if life is purposely removing the props you intricately arranged around yourself, the very things that made-up your comfort zone. Life will upset you. Life will provoke you. Just let the spark be. Leave that light on - let it guide you, love you, hide you, thrill you, hold you, help you.
Reversal - About getting breaks in Life - Some of us may see them as break-downs, when in reality they may be the break-throughs that you needed most...