Why Jane Bravo?

My photo
One dark and boring night in 2005, sitting alone thinking about life and how weird it is, Sarah Dawood/ Drama wrote her first blogpost as Jane Bravo. What started out as a private ranting space, slowly and gradually evolved into the current blog, which talks about many events, things, and feelings. Just like all of Sarah's other social media platforms, also about many events, things, and feelings --- Instagram: thesarahdawood | snapchat: thesarahdawood | twitter: @SarahDawood | facebook: /groups/TheCoddiwomple

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Here I am - once again!?

2008 seems to have gone by at lightning speed.

My 2008 List – What I did, got, earned, found, met, learnt… all good things don’t come to an end!

Got my Flat
Got my laptop
Fell in love – with my job
Evolved some more as a person
Lost some weight
Lost (a lot of) emotional baggage
Found some wonderful people, who became amazing friends
Learnt how to blow dry my hair to perfection (2009 will be a Good Hair Year – Oh yeah!)
Danced every chance I got – sometimes in the privacy of my own lounge ;)
Got Tablaas (!)
Dived into a Volcano – and lived to tell…
Tried Sushi
Took a camel ride - in the moonlight - on the beach – with a cute stranger
Finished a painting – The Magic Crystal
Read a lot of great books
Watched some really good movies
Ate plenty of fruits and veggies
Had a supernatural experience
Became a Facebook addict
Did not quit smoking
Made a modeling portfolio
Did two live radio shows
Attended two award show ceremonies
Sang at The Second Floor
Watched a play
Watched my babies grow…
Strengthened my Faith
Did good deeds just for the heck of doing good deeds
Found that Good Karma is not just a theory
Went to Sunday Bazar – once
Met my estranged aunt after 15 years

2009 is here – This too shall pass? And it shall be fantastic :)
Let it not pass you by quietly – let it shake you, move you, change you - make it special, make it happy, make it a life worth living! And a life worth loving…