I reflected much on LOVE this Valentine’s Day.
I reflect on love most days anyway – regardless of V-day! And I realized I really wanted to BE in Love.
The last time that I fell in Love - it was a beautiful heady feeling… That soon came crashing down! Why? Well, because I wasn’t in love with a person. I was in love with the ‘love potential’ I saw in him. The actual character was one I could not love. And with time, could not stand for extended periods of time.
Most Women make this mistake all the time. Men make it too. But the ‘love’ continues because an ordinary person will ‘mould’ him/her self for the person he/she believes he/she loves or wants to be loved by. Guess, I don’t want the ordinary… And so my ‘love connection’ did not last…
I want the REAL DEAL. Not something imaginary. I want ferocious. I want passionate. I want heart-warming and soul-forming. Not the kind of love one has to work to make and keep going. A love that is deep-rooted.
A love based on love, not based on friendship or blood relativity - A love between two different people, who love with an identical intensity.
I want to be loved, I want to love. I want my happy ending... And I want it soon… yes, like a fool rushing in… I want that magic, I want that beauty. I want the hugs, and the kisses, and the holding-hands. I want to feel warm feet under the covers, I want to dance to slow music, and I want flowers, and romantic weekends away from the usual weeks.
I want to have all that. I don’t need it. I want it.
It's not that I don't value my independence. I do, very much. And yet as I grow older I realise, it’s no fun being all alone all the time. It’s great to be with my friends, it’s wonderful to enjoy my space, and do what I want to do, when I want to do it; but at the end of every day I want to come home to a man who loves me, adores me, treats me like a goddess. And yes, I am a goddess. I wasn’t always a goddess. I became one over time. So, please deal with it. I am a goddess – the gorgeous sort of goddess who can make anyone go weak in the knees – this has been tried on men, women and children. ( I seem to have derailed from the topic at hand… as always...!)
Beethoven wrote a love letter to his ‘Immortal Beloved’ – I want this kind of feeling –
“My thoughts go out to you, my Immortal Beloved. I can live only holy with you, or not at all. Become my life, my all. Only by calm consideration of our existence can we continue to achieve our purpose to live together.
Oh, continue to love me.
Never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved.
Ever mine.
Ever thine.
Ever ours.”
To all those lovely couples out there – keep the love alive.
For all the singles out there - keep searching... it's out there.
Life is all about learning to love and learning to be loved.
To romance, and warm feet under the covers…
Why Jane Bravo?

- janebravo
- One dark and boring night in 2005, sitting alone thinking about life and how weird it is, Sarah Dawood/ Drama wrote her first blogpost as Jane Bravo. What started out as a private ranting space, slowly and gradually evolved into the current blog, which talks about many events, things, and feelings. Just like all of Sarah's other social media platforms, also about many events, things, and feelings --- Instagram: thesarahdawood | snapchat: thesarahdawood | twitter: @SarahDawood | facebook: /groups/TheCoddiwomple