Usually we’re just alone, we spend a great part of our life alone; we like to pretend we aren’t alone, but we are... don't let it kill you.
Life is a car you’re driving. You choose how you drive it. It’s your car. You are in control.
Learn how to drive it without fear before you kill your dreams.
Sometimes you’re taking it slow, or going faster than you should. Sometimes you just want to run away from those headlights you see behind you, you want to run and hide away from it all, or maybe just drive as fast as you can to get to the other side… You go as fast as you can, afraid, alone, tired of the drive already, you keep pressing on the gas trying to get out of it – knowing in some little corner of your heart that you will make it through somehow, some day, somewhere…
Sometimes you take a wrong turn, or you get into the wrong lane; and before you know it, you’re doing 100km/hr in the wrong lane – with no one there, no co-pilot, just you – in auto-pilot mode, looking but not seeing, hurting and trying not to feel. You keep going on – knowing this’ll all end, and it will all be set right eventually.
You believe you'll make it, take a right turn somewhere, find your way, find your place, your path, where you are supposed to be - exactly when you are supposed to get there. You’ll make it out okay – you believe that – no matter what - because you’ve got your seatbelt on, you kept your faith with you the whole time.
Faith is the Seatbelt when you’re driving Life – Your seatbelt that holds you. That saves you - when you need to be saved and nothing else can save you.
Someday when you’re taking a drive in the car of your dreams, living the life of your dreams, you’ll look back on that terrifying time when you’d gotten lost on the way to get to here; when it was dark, you drove through the Hell really fast, just because you had enough faith in yourself, in your future. You remember that light you'd seen then at the end of the darkness surrounding your car – that light was what you were headed towards – that light was YOU, that was the light of your dreams coming alive, that is the place you drove yourself to be.
Keep the Faith. Don't let the drive kill you. Heaven will wait.