A - Ace - Numero Uno - Me.
B - My Buddha - my Mom - she is the real deal.
C - My Castles - my space, and my food for thought.
B - My Buddha - my Mom - she is the real deal.
C - My Castles - my space, and my food for thought.
D - The Dees - my most precious assets.
E - Emotional Baggage - learning to let it all go - usually failing miserably.
F - My Faith - kept most of me together thru all the chaos...
G - Good Deeds - one done every single month :D *yess!*
H - Hugs - they fixed everything that went wrong. Instantly.
I - Ib - who taught me the joys of Ben Ten and many other things in 2009
J - Jumping to assumptions, and getting hurt.
K - Kisses - all kinds ;)
L - Love - my battle continues.
M - Mars - who reminded me how important I am, every single time we met.
N - My Nimbus - the shining cloud - that helped me float thru some really bad days.
O - Oz - a person who can dive with turtles - can make you feel special when you need to most.
P - Promises - a season, a reason, a lifetime...
Q - Question Marks - a few still left for 2010
R - Rasna II - my brand-spankin' new car - *grinning*
S - Smile Therapy - more than I could've, should've, would've...
T - Tequila - at times when life gave me lemons.
U - Understanding - the difference, and myself, some more.
V - Vendetta - Revenge was best - served cold.
W - for Whining, Winning, and Wine-ing!
X - Xanthippe - I was, some days...
Y - Yo-Yos - The Crazy Ones - who made 2009 pretty darn challenging and fun.
Z - Zen - and my Art of Fairytale Maintenance.
Here's to 2010 - Let us Live, Laugh, Love... some more.
- JB