Making your special people feel special is very challenging, but very important.
Everyone has had a hard time at some point in their lives. Including you.
But, some people had it worse than you; let them feel they are more important than anything else to you; that they are special.
They will love you for it. In every sense of the word.
They will love you for it. In every sense of the word.
And they will love you forever.
Saying you love them is not enough for them.
They need signs all the time.
They have little faith left in people - even the people close to them have let them down.
Don’t demean them in front of other people; they are already hurting inside, heal them if you can.
They are already insecure, they need your support, they need your love. And they think it is their right because you said you love them. Did you really mean it when you said it?
They will never know how to tell you what they are really feeling.
Understand them. Don't analyse them.
They will do the exact opposite of eveything you think they will do, or should do, can do - it is because they want to feel stronger; and become stronger, and feel secure. They will never admit that they depend on you in any way, for anything.
They are so used to rejection, and people denying them what they need to have - they will not expect you to be nice. Ever. Be nice all the time. Surprise them.
In fact, they will give you every reason to be mean to them, to lash out at them, to behave in an egotistical and rude way – they believe they are safer alone, but they are not happy that way, and they never feel safe.
Don’t buy the things they throw out at you – if you love them, show them you do. What is holding you back?
Show them - that no matter what, you will be standing right there.
Let your Ego go.
Let your Ego go.
If you truly think they are special - make them feel they are that special.
If these people are important to you.
Show them.
Show them.
If they are not important...
Don't tell them they are. Why bother? Unless you are trying to trick them...
Don't tell them they are. Why bother? Unless you are trying to trick them...
They don’t want to know that they are important. They won't believe you with just words and flowers. They want to feel they are important to you. They only believe in proof now.
Do they give you something? Do they make you happy?
Do they bring something special to your life?
Do they bring something special to your life?
Do you claim to LOVE them?
If you have answered Yes to all these questions - these people may be very important to you.
They will reach out to you in their own twisted ways.
If you have answered Yes to all these questions - these people may be very important to you.
They will reach out to you in their own twisted ways.
Because they have been duped so many times before you came along.
Real life is very real for them.
So, please don’t try to make them user-friendly.
Don’t try to make them house-broken.
They wont do it.
They’ve built walls around themselves – they’ve built these walls to see who will have the faith in them, and the love for them, to break these walls down and be with them against all odds.
They’ve built walls around themselves – they’ve built these walls to see who will have the faith in them, and the love for them, to break these walls down and be with them against all odds.
They haven't put up these walls to keep people out.
They just want to make sure that the only people they let in are the ones they matter to. Those are the only people that matter to them.
No one else is important to them.
Their life is important to them, and their love is most important to them - their definition of love, that is.
So love them if they matter to you.
Love them the way they want to be loved.
Don’t love them when it suits you.
Don't love them to feel good about yourself.
They won't care for such feelings.
Because, they want genuine goods only.
You can't fool them; you can't buy them.
Love them the way they want to be loved.
Don’t love them when it suits you.
Don't love them to feel good about yourself.
They won't care for such feelings.
Because, they want genuine goods only.
You can't fool them; you can't buy them.
Don't try. They will hate you for it.
They have already lost everything; they have nothing left to loose.
Love them unconditonally.
And understand what both those word mean - Unconditional, and Love.
And understand what both those word mean - Unconditional, and Love.
By the time you finish reading this you will know what you need to do. And what you want to do.
You can either be Happy, or be Right.
There is no Third Option.
Someone Special is a Big Deal - don't take them lightly.
If you do take them lightly, they aren't that special.