Why Jane Bravo?

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One dark and boring night in 2005, sitting alone thinking about life and how weird it is, Sarah Dawood/ Drama wrote her first blogpost as Jane Bravo. What started out as a private ranting space, slowly and gradually evolved into the current blog, which talks about many events, things, and feelings. Just like all of Sarah's other social media platforms, also about many events, things, and feelings --- Instagram: thesarahdawood | snapchat: thesarahdawood | twitter: @SarahDawood | facebook: /groups/TheCoddiwomple

Monday, December 13, 2010

Step away from the line, and no body gets hurt.

Ever notice how often all of our most passionate actions and feelings in Life are divided and defined by a small, almost non-descript, very-stupid, hardly-distinguishable "thin" line?
It annoys me.
I detest it.

For me, the thin line represents where all the dots connect and lead to. It is where the chaos begins.
The thin line defines the actual choice I have to make.
I hate the definition. But the definition is important.
I hate making a choice. There is something depressingly dramatic about choosing between the side I have to take and the side I can't take.
I hate goodbyes too. But, that is another topic altogether...

The thin line is the divider. The "other" side.
One side a positive end, the other its negative extreme.
Who made up Life's thin lines anyway?
I hate the thin line more than I hate being alone on a rainy day. Some people will agree with me, there is nothing worse than being alone on a rainy day. Others will say I chose to be alone by my own accord, so no one is to blame but me. These people are like the thin line. They annoy me as much as the thin line.

Take for example, exhibit A: the Heaven and Hell 'set'...
One little step over that thin line takes you up, up, and away - leading to eternal bliss and what not... yeah, right. Go over the thin line in the opposite direction, and it's all fall down in to a raging volcano of eternal damnation Humpty Dumpty style. I suppose it's true then? There is an Angel and a Demon in all of us - and there's just a thin line dividing the two too.

What of, exhibit B: Fondness and Contempt?
A mere sliver of absence over the thin dividing line makes us fonder. While a tiny pinch of familiarity in the other direction over to the other side breeds contempt. Flip sides and you have turned something you were so fond of to something you are oh-so-forgetful about. It's all in your mind? No, it's all in the line.

Then we have everyone's favourite one, exhibit C: the Love and Hate 'combo'. 
They say fools rush in... in Love.
I say, fools rush in - in Love and in Hate. With exactly the same speed. Most of the time it's deathly 500 miles per hour in the wrong lane. Passion is the root cause, the accidents it instigates at 500 miles per hour in the wrong lane... and Passion, like us, is defined by the line - which way do you cross it?
It's Passion, you know, pumping the heart to Love harder, and then Passion again feeding fat to grudges making them bigger. One man's love, can be another man's hate.

What am I saying? I almost don't know. But there is no such thing as almost - ever wonder why?

The thin line is very thin - but it defines one thing from the other - hence, there is no such thing as almost. You can't be almost dead, for example. You either are dead, or you are alive.

Life[place thin line here]Death.