I detest it when my 'friends' challenge my belief system. This particular piece is for all of them. Though they may never read this, I want to share it with the rest of you, who may have 'friends' such as these...
There are times when people expect you to do things that are against your inner self, against your belief system, things you do not want to do. You must never do these things. If there is a shred of doubt in your mind and heart- listen. Doubt means 'DON'T'.
And most importantly- To change for others is to lie to yourself. Identify yourself. Be self aware. Who are you? Know it, believe it, BE it.
Reversal of this confuses me- I agree with the Saint who said, 'Nothing is either good or bad, but thinking (or society) makes it so.' Bringing us back to our personal ideology, our belief system; What we see as fair, good and right. Humans are selfish by nature. They will live as they see fit, they will convince themselves that what they are doing is correct at the expense of going against society- because it is what THEY want. Retrospectively they may feel it was bad or wrong, but in the present it is RIGHT- their right- it is what they will do, because that is their primal need, taking what is theirs. So should we always 'BE' who we are?
I think the better path to take would be to change for yourself. But not for others. That is a positive way to be selfish, in grasping your right to free will. Choose what is good for you, not only what makes you feel good mometarily.Dignity must never be forgotten. Grace is important to cultivate self respect. It is our choices that define us and our character, not our fates. This is what separates the loser from the winner. It's not about being religious, or moral. It's about being dignified in all acts, at all times.
Limits must never be overstepped. Boundaries must be defined and recognized at all times throughout life and at the moments of making decisions. Limits are of the utmost importance. If you have none, you have no boundaries. You are exposed and susceptible. You become destructable and penetrable. It is your limits and discipline that protect you the most in this life.
Reputation is a weapon of power, like Pride. Pride your reputation.
Once lost or cracked it is hard to mend.
Try not to learn these rules the hard way.