“The worm that destroys you is the temptation to agree with your critics, to get their approval.”
…Don't forget, "As long as you love yourself people have no choice but to accept you.”
I have walked down both those roads at different times in my life. First, being ‘destroyed’ by the ‘worm’ - wanting to win the approval of others, and to be accepted by them. Often trying to fit in, but never feeling like myself, and never feeling good about making that effort. Then learning to ‘love yourself’- being hit by the realization (accepting) that I am different – I just can’t always fit in. Learning to accept who and what I am –embracing my self - was a big challenge. Loving myself, and finding people who genuinely understand and love me as I exist, without one iota of me tweaked for anyone’s approval.
I used to be selectively cautious. I did some things too early, and others very late. But then realized that despair and failure lead me to my clarity and my truths – and ‘I’ accepted ‘me’, my life, and my individuality. I have been very brave and very bold in the search for my belief system. And having found it, I adamantly remain true to my own beliefs and perspectives.
Now I always look at my reflection in the mirror with a smile. I can meet my eyes, I can wear my skin, I can hug my soul…
I know I am not the only person who wonders what they are doing here. I think we’ve all asked ourselves this question more than once in our lives. Shakur once said – “Remember to keep yourself alive. There is nothing more important than that.” I believe that is our mission here on Earth for this life. Our mission is to find our real self, without bias accept who we are and grasp it, to live freely and at peace with our lives. This is for the greater good. Because one is only capable of sharing love and happiness and freedom and peace after one has found it within. And then maintain a balance by giving these elements to other lives that touch the circle of my life, as I touch the circles of those lives.
“Sometimes we are forced in directions that we ought to have found for ourselves.”
Maybe because, “There are no regrets in life, just lessons.”
…Don't forget, "As long as you love yourself people have no choice but to accept you.”
I have walked down both those roads at different times in my life. First, being ‘destroyed’ by the ‘worm’ - wanting to win the approval of others, and to be accepted by them. Often trying to fit in, but never feeling like myself, and never feeling good about making that effort. Then learning to ‘love yourself’- being hit by the realization (accepting) that I am different – I just can’t always fit in. Learning to accept who and what I am –embracing my self - was a big challenge. Loving myself, and finding people who genuinely understand and love me as I exist, without one iota of me tweaked for anyone’s approval.
I used to be selectively cautious. I did some things too early, and others very late. But then realized that despair and failure lead me to my clarity and my truths – and ‘I’ accepted ‘me’, my life, and my individuality. I have been very brave and very bold in the search for my belief system. And having found it, I adamantly remain true to my own beliefs and perspectives.
Now I always look at my reflection in the mirror with a smile. I can meet my eyes, I can wear my skin, I can hug my soul…
I know I am not the only person who wonders what they are doing here. I think we’ve all asked ourselves this question more than once in our lives. Shakur once said – “Remember to keep yourself alive. There is nothing more important than that.” I believe that is our mission here on Earth for this life. Our mission is to find our real self, without bias accept who we are and grasp it, to live freely and at peace with our lives. This is for the greater good. Because one is only capable of sharing love and happiness and freedom and peace after one has found it within. And then maintain a balance by giving these elements to other lives that touch the circle of my life, as I touch the circles of those lives.
“Sometimes we are forced in directions that we ought to have found for ourselves.”
Maybe because, “There are no regrets in life, just lessons.”
Dear Ms Jane Bravo, thank you for letting a cynic in your vault of words. So now you dont just have an ardent fan but a cynic as an ardent fan, which is some achievement. I am the adventurous type but you not giving attention to my comments is a risk I don't want to take. So Ill be gentle with my cynicism & Ill start commenting on pieces I like the most & moving down to the ones lets just say I like a little less. The piece Its not the crown that makes the queen makes me want to hug your soul. This stolen line from your piece epitomizes and paints a picture of your soul. A soul that radiates happiness infectiously. I remember the first time when I read the blog, questioning my existence everyday & then I read this. What it did was make me feel good about myself at a time when not the most specialized doctor or a miracle worker could not do so. Since then off & on I keep reading your blogs specially when I want to look at the reflection in my mirror & smile. And to me it is most definitely the crown that you wear Ms Jane Bravo that makes you the queen. The queen of radiating happiness.
Hmmm... Thank you.
Notice how you don't sound like a cynic in your comment :)
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