Why Jane Bravo?

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One dark and boring night in 2005, sitting alone thinking about life and how weird it is, Sarah Dawood/ Drama wrote her first blogpost as Jane Bravo. What started out as a private ranting space, slowly and gradually evolved into the current blog, which talks about many events, things, and feelings. Just like all of Sarah's other social media platforms, also about many events, things, and feelings --- Instagram: thesarahdawood | snapchat: thesarahdawood | twitter: @SarahDawood | facebook: /groups/TheCoddiwomple

Saturday, October 16, 2010


...I think I just want to show - that every body hurts, and anyone can break sometimes...
I know a girl who is hurting right now. And all the hurt is changing her - and it's making her stronger, in the way she hates to become stronger - but she has always been very strong - and she has survived many avalanches, and floods, and earthquakes, and tsunamis - so she will survive this one too. There is so much confusion - so many things from the past and the present merging together. Just right now - she is feeling so tired... feeling dizzy with all the hurt and the names she's been called... It's making her sick inside... and it hurts right now... but, she will be OK - because she needs to be OK for herself, she needs to be brave, and strong - because she loves herself, even when the whole world doesn't love her.
Even if there is no one who understands her - she understands her - and she loves herself unconditionally.
She didn't sleep well last night - and her head is hurting so much... feels like it's going to explode inside.
She feels so tired, so tired - she can't even find another word for tired.
Life is so good to her, but it is so hard with her - there is a price to pay for every thing.
She has to work so hard in everyway - and when she gets sad, things just don't go well - everything begins to fall apart. Like everything today. But she will fix all the things that are falling apart - because she has dealt with so many hurts, she has healed herself so many times. She will get out of this hurt - like a phoenix that burns and then grows again from its own ashes.
She is not a victim. She is a survivor.
She will survive - the only way she knows how - when the worst way is the best way... where there are epic greys and never any black and white.

Be strong, my dear... everything will be OK in the end; if it's not OK, it's not the end.



Anonymous said...

Who is she , and what happened to her ?

Anonymous said...

yes, who is this??? tell more???

en said...

I have a few tears for her.. because I know this girl. and she has survived. and she continues to fight. calling her an inspiration wont be justice enough. because she honestly is beyond that.