Why Jane Bravo?

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One dark and boring night in 2005, sitting alone thinking about life and how weird it is, Sarah Dawood/ Drama wrote her first blogpost as Jane Bravo. What started out as a private ranting space, slowly and gradually evolved into the current blog, which talks about many events, things, and feelings. Just like all of Sarah's other social media platforms, also about many events, things, and feelings --- Instagram: thesarahdawood | snapchat: thesarahdawood | twitter: @SarahDawood | facebook: /groups/TheCoddiwomple

Sunday, June 05, 2016

Orion's Belt

It happened out of nowhere. Completely unplanned, and unexpected. I would be sure I had imagined these hours, but I have the mosquito bites to remind me it was real, it happened.

We talked for hours. We talked about many things, about our children, and dinosaurs, and constellations, the pyramids, and loved ones dying of Cancer. We walked surrounded by trees after midnight, with nothing but sounds of leaves and insects. Sometimes our arms would brush and it was nothing romantic or physical, it was just very comforting. They strange comfort of knowing someone else is there, to hear what I had to say, and to share their thoughts too. That, in that moment, they would catch you if you fall, and you them. That they would let you rest your head on their shoulders if you needed to, that they would hold your hand if a sound in the dark scared you. 

It was weird how we met, and that is why I am sure it was an important encounter, because destiny works in weird ways. And I am a great believer in destiny.

What I can't stop questioning is how you can talk to someone for hours undisturbed, without knowing very little about them. Just hunches of who they are, of what they like, of what they are saying and what they are actually hoping you will hear between the lines. And you're okay with that, because you like the sense of existence without having to justify it.

What do you call someone who is by definition a complete stranger, but in that moment feel closer to them than any of your friends? And your mind doesn't want to waste time trying to find which box this feeling goes into... or why you are feeling this... you just want to go with the flow, and you go with it. Like diving into a pool of water just because you want to and you can and it will bring you joy, wake you up, exhilarate you. They are there with you, and you with them... and in that moment, at that time, you both holding the moment, you give it your attention and it is important to be there in every sense of being. Not final like the last meal of a dying man, but more like being rejuvenated by a cool drink of water after a long exhausting run. A momentary pleasure, till you are thirsty again, but an amazing feeling of relief and peace.

What do you call the calmness they bring to your life in that brief time? 
How do you feel without having any feelings "before"? Knowing it is just momentary, temporary - and there are no feelings "after"? It's just here and now. Life happening in its purist form. And you're not in a hurry, there is only so much you can share in this limited amount of time.

It's all so strange. But I loved it. 
The intersection of two completely different people from two completely different worlds. Almost like an eclipse.

- JaneBravo


Anonymous said...

I wonder if such connections actually happen. I would really love to meet someone who I'd click with just like that.
Really well written btw :)

janebravo said...

You know what they say, "a season, a reason, a lifetime"... connections happen all the time. The good ones last forever. And those are rare. So enjoy what comes, come what may!